Design Focus
"The versatile implant driver with a long reach"The S T R E T C H™ Implant Driver allows you to remove and place cover screws and healing abutments in all areas of the mouth safely and with good vision. It is especially useful in the posterior regions of the mouth, allowing you direct vision of the cover screw, abutment screw or healing abutment when placing or removing it.

- Treatment time is greatly reduced
- Quicker than using small hex screw by hand
- Improved visibility
- U-type contra angle attachment
- Remove and place cover screws, healing abutments, and abutments
- Surgical grade stainless steel
- 8 inches in length
- Autoclavable
- Hex designed handle
- Easy to rotate in both directions

Purchase Your S T R E T C H™ Implant Driver Here!
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